
Areas of Interest

Computational Topology: Topology is an abstract idea which is different from our metric based geometry. The computational aspects of topology have not been studied until very recently. Since connectivity is of paramount importance also in practice, it is not surprising that computational topology has its roots in diverse application areas, such as geometric modeling, visual perception, medical imaging, and structural molecular biology. Some of the problems regarding computational topology that i have interest in, Finding the optimal bound for k-simplices in D-dimensional point set, Finding the shortest non-contractible cycle in Rips complex of a higher dimensional point set, Finding shortest non-contractible surfaces of unbounded genus, Dynamic and kinetic geometric coreset.

Algorithm Design: Developing approximation algorithm using geometric coresets, Algorithms for multicore processors.

Wireless Network: Energy aware fault tolerant wireless networks, Interference minimal wireless networks, Location based security management, Network coding, Energy profiler for sensors.

Network Architecture: Network monitoring anf fault analysis, Network tracing.

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